There are 2 types of Attorneyship - a general or an enduring power of attorney.
A General Power of Attorney can be made by a person to allow someone to act on his/her behalf in certain circumstances such as selling their house while they are in hospital or abroad. A person can revoke their Power of Attorney or it may automatically come to an end if the author becomes mentally incapable.
An Enduring Power of Attorney when signed by a person can act as a General Power of Attorney but has the added advantage of continuing to be valid even when the author has become mentally incapable. The only provision for this is that the person’s Attorney or Attorneys MUST register the Enduring Power of Attorney in the High Court, Belfast on the author becoming mentally incapable. In the Enduring Power of Attorney, the author can put in a restriction that it only comes into effect once they become mentally incapable.
We would advise people making wills at a later stage in their lives to also consider making these Enduring Powers of Attorney. This avoids difficulties with banks and financial institutions at a time when you are unable to deal with your affairs. It also is a cheaper and quicker process than your family having to apply to the High Court for what is known as Controllership to be able to manage your affairs.